Creative Copyright and Media Policy

Media, as it is referred to below, includes media captured by ANY device. This means that all policies apply, regardless of if media was captured with an ADC device, or with a personal device.


  • An important part of the job of each employee of Aerial Dance Chicago is to honor and protect the creative material of the organization.

  • Creative copyright and media policies apply during employment and beyond employment at Aerial Dance Chicago.


  • Creative material generated during Aerial Dance Chicago activities, including but not limited to training, curriculum, choreography, costumes, lighting, rigging design, apparatus design, photos/videos, etcetera, are copyrighted resources of Aerial Dance Chicago and may not be used for any purpose outside of Aerial Dance Chicago.

  • Use of Aerial Dance Chicago media must be related to the purposes and programs of the company and may not be used for other purposes or be taken out of context.


  • The purpose of capturing Aerial Dance Chicago media is to support and share the programs of the organization.

  • Use creative material and media captured at ADC and during ADC activities by ARTIST must be related to the purposes and programs of the company and may not be taken out of context.

  • Media may not be used for any purpose outside of Aerial Dance Chicago, except family keepsake.


In order to share media from the ADC studio, or from an ADC activity on your personal social networks, you must follow all below:

  • The ADC space may only be used for ADC activities, programs and purposes. It may not be used for personal or other business pursuits.

  • Shares must clearly credit and tag Aerial Dance Chicago prominently in the text and on the photo or video and it must clearly relate to programs of ADC.

  • Social media shares from ADC and ADC activities may not be shared out of context.

  • Shares must credit and tag the choreographer, other artists involved and photographer.

  • Use only dance/art related text and hashtags that clearly align with the vision of Aerial Dance Chicago.

  • If you are sharing choreography and you are not the choreographer, you must first gain permission from the choreographer before sharing video.

  • Never share more than 10-15 seconds of choreography of Aerial Dance Chicago.

  • Never share any part of Aerial Dance Chicago curriculum on social media.

  • Never share in a way in which movement skills or choreography could be copied.


  • Choreographer agrees to fully and prominently credit Aerial Dance Chicago when sharing or remounting work or any portion of work originally created through ADC.

  • This includes but is not limited to remounting on another company, or other dancers, remounting for an event or festival, using video of the work for a grant or festival application, sharing as a video presentation, sharing on social media, or any other type of showing of the work or portion of the work.

  • Choreographer must clearly credit and tag ADC in the text, printed program, social media share, other printed material or on video credits. If no written material is printed, choreographer must provide credit verbally as part of the presentation.

  • Choreographer must credit ADC as follows:  “This work was originally created through the support of Aerial Dance Chicago.”